Feminine Empowerment Coach

Feminine Empowerment Coach

My vision is to bring humanity into balance. The survival of our planet is directly dependent upon the empowerment of the Divine Feminine.

Here’s why YOU are important…

I know you have a unique gift to share with this world. I also know that when you are living in your fullest expression, it radiates to everyone around you and lifts them up right alongside you. I see that feminine empowerment is the answer we are desperately seeking to bring humanity into harmonious balance. I nurture your empowerment because I know you can nourish our planet to ensure our future.

The world will be saved by the Western Woman.

- The Dalai Lama

Here’s HOW we work together…

💪 through discovering your superpower gifted to you through your life experience and suffering

💡 through shifting your mindset to attract abundance to you in every challenge and opportunity

🧚‍♀️ and to create lifestyle shifts into healthy and sustainable self-care rituals so you get the most time doing what it is that lights YOU up

Here’s WHAT happens…

🌟 Your inspired action leads to your fullest expression of health, happiness and purpose.

You deserve to be happy.

I know finding happiness feels elusive. I want you to know that it is not only possible, it is yours for the taking! I spent years navigating this journey alone, trying just about every healing modality out there, and when I discovered that it is a simple mindset shift that gave me my full power, I realised it didn’t need to be so hard, lonely and such an emotional rollercoaster. Now that I know how simple the mindset shift is, I am driven to show you the direct steps for standing in your power as the most ‘you’ you can be… because you deserve it.

WHY I coach…

13th January 2012, Costa Concordia Shipwreck

13th January 2012, Costa Concordia Shipwreck

On Friday 13th January, 2012, I was one of the last survivors of the Costa Concordia shipwreck. I was living my dream, being paid as a professional dancer whilst travelling the Mediterranean- my first contract after graduating University.

At the time, I remember thinking I could enjoy life at sea forever! I also had a few signs I should never had been there. Thank goodness I was because I led much of the rescue, including calling mayday, getting passengers and crew to life rafts, and coordinating the rescue operation from an Italian military base throughout that fated night.

PTSD, survivor’s guilt and victim-mentality ensued and it took me many years and healing modalities to find meaning and I discovered the tools for finding true happiness. Having faced death, I developed a superpower for moving people into action on their dreams.

Filming for NBC Dateline

Filming for NBC Dateline

Fast forward to trying to dance again. I realised I was self-sabotaging every audition.


Because I knew I had to use my voice to share what I had experienced so ships would become safer and no-one would have to experience the horrors I did. I had stories run through my head of “who am I to talk on a subject I don’t have a qualification in?” and “someone else will do it”.

Knowing those were excuses to try to keep me safe, I persevered. I cannot tell you how much I was shaking to my bones to step foot on a ship again but I knew the power of my voice and the message I alone had to speak.


We call in the lessons we need to learn to move us into our work in this world. I thought marriage would save me from my suffering and I emigrated to America.

I thought I had never experienced sexism other than some unwelcome cat-calling. It really wasn’t until my face was being crushed into my bedroom carpet, neck twisted so far I felt sure it was about to snap and I needed to get somewhere safe, that I awoke from the illusion.

Not only did I need to get away from an abusive husband who had been gaslighting me for years, but I was astonished to discover I had another battle front.

Here’s what I experienced…

Not being believed and being actively told I should stay with my abuser by womxn in my community.

See, here’s the thing, seeds of mistrust are systematically placed between womxn in our patriarchal society and it divides us and therefore disempowers us.

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.

-Madeleine Albright

This ‘Dark Night of the Ego’ gave me insight into the depths of the human condition and all the tools for how to transform darkness to light, from victim to victor, turning your trauma into your superpower.

It doesn’t need to take years or decades. You deserve to live fully NOW. Your power is already within you and my superpower is empowering you to live your best life right now.

What people are saying.

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“I thought I was at the end with my dream and was ready to give up. Rose gave me the exact boost of confidence and good energy that I needed… I couldn’t be more grateful.”

—Mariah Salazar, Actress.

I have been featured on…

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Seafarer of the year 2012- Lloyd’s of London
First Class Honours- Bachelor of the Arts

More of what people are saying…

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“I appreciate how much Rose roots for me when it comes to my love of creation!

You led me to opportunities I would not have otherwise known existed.”

— Zuri Leigh, Singer & Model

Now let’s uncover YOUR power…

Let me buy you a coaching session